Recent trends in Instrumentation Engineering Technology
Recent trends in Instrumentation Engineering Technology
In recent years, the development of the domestic industry on-the-spot test technology and modern power engineering technology adopts and has produced develop rapidly. Popularization and application along with electronic technology, sensor technology, computer technology, and control technology, adopted measuring technology means such as artificial acquisition test data, manual drawing curve and manually-operated only being replaced in the past by computer automatic measurement and control system, measurement and control accuracy, reliability, and stability is continuing to develop rapidly.
Physical or electrochemical measurement instruments, such as pH, oxidation-reduction potential or electrical conductivity, are widely used for monitoring industrial processes, quality control and environmental protection, etc. These measurements are of interest only when their respective positions, circumstances and conditions are known. An instrumentation system includes a set of instruments that are adapted in an environment of interest to obtain measurements.
A test system, usually including a set of instruments that receive the measurements of a system or device under test, is an example of an instrumentation system. For example, voltmeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators and logic analyzers are some of the instruments.
Instrumentation is mostly a process control and automation. Basically, we take data from physical parameters like temperature, flow pressure, etc., and put it together in a process to control system.
A multi-input / output process control system that coordinates the control of the main input to run. The process control system sets a value for control of the main input with the control output.
Managing big data in process control systems
Big data generally refers to the vast volume of data that can not be collected and processed in the given timeframe using a conventional approach.
A big data analysis in a process control system includes a data storage device configured to receive data from control system devices and store the process control data for our requirements. The big data system identifies various physical parameters from the process control data and analyze the parameters according to preset condition of combinations.
The data acquired in real-time are stored in a database and users or administrators can leverage the data to analyze certain data related to based on time periods.
Furthermore, the capability and performance limitations of databases of now known process control systems, combined with the previously high cost of disk storage, play an important role in structuring data into independent entities or silos to meet the objectives of specific applications.
Big data refers to a series of one or more large or complex data sets that are conventional database management software and/or data processing applications.
For example, for every minute, the big data scheme may calculate and store the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation for the essential data having a timestamp in that minute.
Remote test for critical infrastructure
It is difficult to determine where the fault lies in remote conditioning monitoring technique systems.
Remote monitoring improves opportunities to react to damaged equipment before its condition worsens to a failure point.
A number of technologies are being developed to watch for engineering defects. Companies such as National Instruments have added support for the standard to their products.
Power grid quality control: new challenges for engineers:
Concerns about the overpowering quality of all parts of the electricity grid, down to the level of individual consumers, have led to increased demand for equipment that can detect and record supply problems. The measures of harmonics and other problems have been made much more important by digitally controlled equipment and renewable energy concerns.
Biomedical instrumentation, engineering sector:
Biomedical instrumentation involves the application of engineering concepts to biology, medicine and health care to solve problems. It is a fast-growing area of engineering, and people would find themselves working in health services, the medical device industry, or research.
Throughout the field of robotic technology, sensing and visualization, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, Big Data and mobile applications, biomedical engineers may also be at the forefront.
Artificial Intelligence Transformation in Healthcare:
Artificial Intelligence and Engineering for Healthcare is evolving rapidly with large volumes of data and increasing challenges in cost and patient outcomes.
Climate monitoring:
The satellite, which uses a variety of optical tools to calculate information important to precise climate modeling such as ice cover, cloud covering and height, air aerosols and water vapor, sea level and temperature, chlorophyll in oceans and on land and balance of input and output solar energy.
Monitoring climate change requires the detection of very small trends – such as a 1 % change in high cloud cover per decade that would take at least 30 years to implement current instruments.
Monitoring of crop and forestry health that would help mitigate and respond to climate change and minimize global food shortages, promote sustainable commercial growth, encourage investment in future carbon markets and provide insurance and energy risk management.
Interfacing with the machine:
Automation of the process industry continues to expand strongly globally as plants will continue to enhance efficiency. Globalizing end users are pushing plant efficiency to an unprecedented level without advanced process automation systems and business processes.
Technologies for process automation help to achieve business goals for improved facilities utilization, productivity, product quality , availability, protection, flexibility and delivery speed.
As a result of globalization, several developments are emerging, meaning more markets, more goods and more partners.One reason for this is the large list of challenges and changing conditions for manufacturers in the global business environment that will be so successful for automation systems in the next few years. The integration of security functions into the primary control functions is also an important issue.
Now we have the infrastructure in place, we have the internet, and we have firewalls so that critical data can be transmitted much easier. Nevertheless, you don’t need to transfer this information from anywhere in the world on the Internet except though you have remote access.
The digitalization of data in his, her, their, etc., aspect is a step for moving towards Instrumentation today. Embedding all kind of sensors with the smartphone enable human life happier.