Can money buy you happiness
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.
Happiness comes from fulfillment of physical, emotional and mental needs…so money is only one of the resources that is needed for the happiness. Happiness is more important than money because happiness is the end, while money is just a part of the means to achieve happiness.
Happiness means having to experience the opposite… To be happy means allowing yourself to also be unhappy. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of the same coins. They are inseparable, like up & down, north & south one implies the other. “Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery”. Money may or may not bring happiness in life, but the lack of money can certainly bring unhappiness and misery. Money can make life easier but only to a point that household income is strongly related to both emotional well being and a person’s evaluation of their own quality of life.
Although the financial situation plays only a small role in your overall happiness, most people believe it’s more important than that. Because of this, many people spend their lives striving for more money and possessions, but this materialism makes them less happy. Money brings happiness only to those who needs it most. It is not necessarily the money which brings happiness, but the satisfaction that people are cable to pay the bills.
“Money can fulfill your needs, but it can’t buy you happiness”.